
"In my dream it was very dark, and what dim light there was seemed to be radiating from Edward's skin. I couldn't see his face, just his back as he walked away from me, leaving me in the blackness. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't catch up to him; no matter how loud I called, he never turned. Troubled I woke in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep again for what seemed like a very long time.
After that, he was in my dreams nearly every night, but always on the peripherty, never within reach."  


  1. Postat av: Selin

    2009-02-28 @ 21:05:59

    Jag vill ha Edward!

    Förresten har du läst Wuthering heights? Om inte så gör det!!

  2. Postat av: martin

    2009-03-03 @ 10:21:57

    N E R D !

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